Sun Shines for LW Jubilee Tree Planting

Sun Shines for LW Jubilee Tree Planting


The morning of Sunday 11 Dec proved to be perfect timing for the planting of the jubilee tree on the southernmost edge of the village green. Neighbours enjoyed seeing faces old and new. Hot chocolate, mulled wine and tasty homemade nibbles were as welcome as the mild weather and rare sunshine.

The chosen tree - a type of ornamental hawthorn (Crataegus x lavalleei ‘Carrierei’) - came bareroot and with a few leaves and berries still holding on. Planting was led by Helen Bostock from Little Wolford Parish Meeting, and the plaque put in place by Roz Warriner, who had kindly donated the tree.

Visit the Queens Green Canopy to see our tree on the map.



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